
A Day with Algebra

A Day with Algebra: Honoring Al-Khwarizmi on National Algebra Day


On October 29, 2020, we celebrated National Algebra Day with a special event titled “A Day with Algebra,” dedicated to the renowned mathematician Al-Khwarizmi. Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 quarantines, the event was successfully held online, ensuring safety and accessibility for all participants.

Event Highlights

  • Public Lectures: Distinguished speakers, Siavash Shahshahani and Keivan Mallahi-Karai gave two fascinating public lectures that provided deep insights into the historical and modern aspects of algebra.
  • Student Talks: Three talented students presented their research and findings.


  • The event’s booklet: Read it online, using this link!
  • Videos: Watch the recorded lectures and student talks online!

    The Historical Role of Algebra by Siavash Shahshahani

  • Slides

Kirillov’s Orbit Method and Polynomiality of the Faithful Dimension of p-Groups by Keivan Mallahi-Karai

Real Quaternions in Geometry and Algebra by Soheil Azarpendar

Solvability by Radicals by Alireza Shavali

Witt Vectors by Aliakbar Hosseini

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