

Sharif Mathematics Journal was established in 1988 as one of the pioneering collegiate journals in Iran after the Islamic revolution. In over three decades, more than twenty issues of the journal have been published. The journal’s current team began its work in the spring of 2023 and published its first issue in May of the same year. The following are among the purposes pursued by this journal:

  • Introducing different branches and fields of mathematics and computer science,
  • Presenting frontier topics in mathematics and computer science in a manner that encourages students towards further research in these areas,
  • Providing translated versions of a variety of articles (in Persian),
  • Providing educational content, including theorems, proofs, and solutions, simpler than those of standard sources,
  • Discussing the historical, philosophical, and cultural aspects of mathematics and computer science.

We encourage all interested students to join our team. The following are among the activities for which we eagerly seek student collaboration:

  • Translating or writing papers that are aligned with the journal’s objectives,
  • Reading and editing samples, both verbally and scientifically,
  • Cover design and graphic design.

We invite all interested individuals to contact us via math.sharif.journal@gmail.com. The journal’s team is also intrigued to receive any ideas or suggestions regarding the activities and purposes of this journal.

It is worth mentioning that all the received documents must align with the purposes and guidelines of this journal. We advise students who are interested in translating papers to initially email both the original paper and its source for approval. The journal’s editorial board retains the right to select, excerpt, and edit all articles.

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